Dec 16, 2012

Hi! This one for Hungarians :)
Szabó T. Anna tök aranyos kis verséhez illusztrálhattam.
Az író cimborák blogján megtaláljátok azt a kedves adventi naptárt, ahol minden nap kinyithattok egy ablakot és kaptok egy mesét meg egy illusztrációt. dec 16. nekem jutott :)
Köszönöm a lehetőséget! :)

Dec 13, 2012

SwanLake Tickets

This is an A5 envelope, my parents get 2 tickets from us for the Swan lake Russian Ica ballet in Budapest :)
It's okay, They don't check, my blog :P hhihihihih. So anyway, this is going to be the envelope, they receive the gift in (there will be some texts as well obviously) :) 

Dec 12, 2012

Merry Xmas Mommalovers :)

Paratrooper Santa and zombi paratrooper Santa, available in neverneverland toystores.

Merry christmas everyone :)

Dec 4, 2012


So a nucleon goes into the bar and orders a priest.....
Hmm no, tat's not right...
I have no jokes for DNA sequencing. I did get to draw some though, thanks to the really nice people at Omixon
I have to tell you though, it is probably a lot harder to come up with DNA sequence jokes, than dirty ones :P